Level Up

Level is one of the most important aspects you need to look at because with this, your goddess will get much power and will unlock some ability, besides that, leveling up is needed to show off to your Friends ;)

Basic Material

Common material for leveling up is Spirit Stone and some Gold, you can hold the level up button if you are lazy to tap again and again on it

Break the Limit

On the other side, if you have reached a certain level, you need to break it with Goddess Powder

Talent Skill

and Talent skill will let you have an additional buff, passive, and more advantage things to your goddess, and some of them really improve the team too, how do i unlock this skill? simply level up your goddess at a certain level will unlock this, you have 2 times free skill unlocks, and after that, it will cost 1 talent book to unlock the next skill in the same goddess

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