Normal Gacha

In this normal gacha you need to spend some gems to gacha whether it's a free diamond or paid diamond, and you will find several features, here's the breakdown


Wishlist, with wishlist, you can select your guaranteed SR goddess gacha within 60 times gacha, you can get one of two selected goddesses, but you can pick one goddess too in the wishlist, it's your choice

Line Up Recommendation

Line up recommendations will give you much information about line-up, which will give you some advantages in battles like bonds, combinations, etc. Use button below to expand why Deesse recommend that line-up

you will see the details about that recommended line up, feel free to make your customized line up with similar abilities

Offer Probability

Offer probability, it's the information about the goddess gacha rate, if you feel today is your lucky day, don't hesitate to pull it

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